Max/MSP software
Did not do any homework finding out what the software does, Graseck in Digital Media room introduces us to the software. Mainly...
Electronic Superhighway
Electronic Superhighway 2016-1966 Whitechapel Gallery In this exhibition in the Whitechapel, it's a review of the relationship between...
Leonardo Da Vinci: The mechanics of Genius Exhibition
Da Vinci exhibition - Science Museum This Da Vinci exhibition is a technical exhibition on how Leonardo Da Vinci on the mechanics of his...
Analyzing Performance: Theatre, Dance and Film
-Internal Space is the representation of a fantasy, a dream of waking dream evoked by the mise-en-scene, stage becomes a derealised space... review - National Theatre I am a big fan of Alice in Wonderland story. But I have to say of the many versions that I have seen,...
Forgot about Jim Henson creature shop. I haven't check it out for so long. Documentary of the behind the scenes of the labyrinth. It's...
Paper heads
Need to experiment on doing the paper head with this 3d scanning software to Peperkraft software. As it seems trying to draw in...
Visuality in the Theatre: The Locus of Looking
photography has its function in warding off death, postponing it. photography can make present the dead while at the same time...