Tao tie Sea monster puppet making - help with Keith from Tech arts
First time doing casting and using wet clay. I didn't realise you have to use so much clay. It's heavy, and I've make it very shadow. Using the vaccum form machine instead of doing silicone, which Graham in casting suggest, it has an instant shape. But Keith said he still needs to be more prominent, because if I am adding fleece on top, the features will disappear. So he dig the figures in my Taotie's nose, and make everything deeper. Also the back with curls on first day was not very successful. Always end up burning the plastazote. One time almost end up burning the machine, smoking comes out. yikes. To be safe, I have Rick in the metal work help me. He can see smoke and I didn't. Yeah, it was successful the second round. I also went to costume department and ask the tutor there, she said there is a hole at the bottom of the machine, I must center it, because that's crucial. The board was too big, so I run back and forth to cut it.
help from keith. deeper shape.
backside of the head
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2nd try on the vac form, better shape
clay cut to pattern enlarge 2x - cut to plastazote
half body with wing shape
Describe your image.
hack of a toy car. remote control
final puppet