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this is the test of simple isadora projection on troll king.  not that bad, and it's quite easy.  but that also means the troll king has to stay still though.   I don't have the casio projector but using the old projector in our room, so the bulb was old and dim. The effect is blurry images instead of sharp images which you see in the image below.  But actually it is similar to my sketch though, and I like the blurry images, which is blob of colours.  I need to re-test it with the other projector, and this is just one side titled to 45 degrees to the projector. 


Live tracking test - with kinect + processing

Playing with web cam and processing can be fun.... possibities


Trigging scenes and intensities with touch OSC from iphone, by using this method, I don't have to stay next to the computer triggering it with the space bar. It can be interacted with me touching and changing the scene with my phone.  But it doesn't get the audience to involve... 

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