Mythologies - Roland Barthes
Interesting concept on linking up the world of wrestling with myths.
Barthes compared wrestler with boxing, where one can bet the outcome of a boxing-match, which is based on excellence. where wrestling will make no sense. All the wrestlers are basically on stage, and creating a myth in a way.
Another comparsion with the brain of Einstein. "Einstein's brain is a mythical object, he is commonly signified by his brain, which is like an object for anthologies, a true museum of exhibit.""Einstein is a matter, his power does not spontaneoulsy draw one towards the spiritual, it needs the help of an independant morality, ar eminder about the scientist's "conscience" pg68
"Myth is a type of speech" pg109, it is a system of communication, that is the message." It is a mode of signification, a form.
Myth belongs to the province of a general science, coextensive with linguistics, which is semiology. pg111
Definiting signifer with sign. "Take a black pebble: I can make it signify in several ways, it is a mere signifier; but if I weigh it with a definite signified (a death sentence, for instance) it will become a sign. pg.113
The essential point in all this is that the form does not suppress the meaning, it only impoverishes it, it puts it at a distance, it holds it at one's disposal. One believes that the meaning is going to ie, but it is a death with reprieve; the meaning loses its value, but keeps its life, from which the form of the myth will draw its nourishment. pg.118
Myth hides nothing and flaunts nothing: it distorts; myth is neither a lie nor a confession. it is an inflexion. Placed before the dilemma, it finds a third way out. pg.129
Myth is a language which does not want to die: it wrests from the meanings which give it its sustenance an insidious, degraded survival, it provokesin them an artifical reprieve in which it settles comfortably, it urns them into speaking corpses. pg.133
I like Barthes uses of the word "speaking corpses", so visual and animated. pg.133
Myth does not simply, it purifies them, it makes them innocent, it gives them a natural and eternal justification, it gives them a clarity which is not that explanation but that of the statement of fact..... it organizes a world which is without contradications because it is without depth, a world wide open and wallowing in the evident, it establishes a blissful clarity: thngs appear to mean something by themselves.* pg143 *To the pleasure-principle of Freudian man could be added the clarity-principle of mythological humanity. All the ambiguity of myth is there: its clarity is euphoric.