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Troll king questions and answers

The set of questions are from 6 different adults, and answered by 4 different children, 3 boys and one girl. The girl of 6 has the most interesting answer, I think. Previously I did an year long exhibition that run in four cities, called "conforming to vicinity", I have chosen 3 persons from that city, with complete different background and age. I've interviewed them 6 questions, which is the city name, which is Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, China and life and death. I suspect a child of several years age might not be able to answer especially the life and death questions, however, during that exhibition, I have the most lucid answers, it is the adults who think too much and all confusing.... Something to think about and reflect upon. I chose to use the kids answer, because they are far more interesting than my answers, however creative I think my answers out... This is also interesting for me to take a closer look in child psychology. And how have we arrive to an older age and things seem so fantastically muddle....

This is the first draft, and I will sit down with my two collaborators, Harry Willis the sound engineer, and the actor and see how each of us respond and let the voice actor respond to the answers. Due to the amount of performance that the actor is needed, I think it is more practical to record his voice, and respond the answer accordingly. Texts will also be displayed in the LED scrolling display.

1.who are you?

girl:Half fish and half lemur.

all boys: their name

my answer: I am whatever you want me to be.

2.why are you here?

girl: To see what's going on

boy: come here to be happy

because i live here

god sent me here

me: I am here because you want me to be here.

3.Is there life after death?

girl: Well if you're a magic creature there is. But if you're not there isn't.

boy: no live after death


i don't know

me: You have to find out yourself, but I won’t rule out the possibility.

4. How old are you?

girl: 12 (she's actually 6)

boy: 14



me: I am an exponential number. An algorithm that one is impossible to calculate.

5.Is this the right person for me?

girl: Extremely yes.

boy: No, not the right person for me.

i don't know. yes

i think, yes

6. How would I ever known?

girl: Because a fortune would tell you.

boy: i won't

because i love her

i don't know

7.Why the clementine?

girl: That's a tricky one. Because it's delicious.

boy: I don't know.

because mother nature make it.

because it just is.

me: Because it is orange and conductive.

8.How did you get here?

girl: By cloud.

boy: from my mum's

my mother born me

god sent me and he put me in mama's tummy

9.Are you staying?

girl: For a little bit

boy: yes

how do i know?


10. how long does it take?

girl: How long does what take?

boy: 24 hours

to what?

until mama dies

11.why have you allowed so much war and suffering in the world?

girl: Because I haven't.

boy: for peace

because the country hate each other

i never did

12.Why you sacrifice Jesus and let him suffer?

girl: I didn't.

boy: because i wasn't born at the time and save him

i don't know

13.Why you always set us to fail in the first place ?

girl: I didn't.

boy: for the greater good

because you don't try hard enough

i never did

14.Did you really write the Bible and how could you trust human to translate it?

girl: I don't think I did.

boy: I hadn't but I will trust human


what did you say again?

15.How do you perceive yourself in?

girl: What does perceive mean?

boy: Don't know

from my eyes


16.Where else have you been?

girl: To anywhere.

boy: home

in hong kong, with mama

17. What is your name?

girl: Fishtail

boy: owen


liam (OMG, it's the same question)

18. What is it like to be made from cardboard?

girl: I am not made from cardboard.

boy: cold

everything is boxed up

i am not

19. What is the difference between you and me?

girl: You are not half and half.

boy: i've got different genes

we are all different

we are similar and we love each other

20. Why are humans here?

girl: Because it's the world.

boy: to be happy

because we were created by someone

because earth is their home

21. Did you see Blade Runner?

girl: I don't know what that is.

boy: no


what is blade runner?

me: yes, so what are you insinuating?

22. It’s your birthday. Someone gives you a calfskin wallet. How do you react?

girl: I'm not sure

boy: i say thank you.

i say thank you and not use it ever

i would have said NO, because it was from a living cow

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