Performance: A critical introduction
Spackman’s distinction between more complex, technologically innovative” performance art of the 1990s is overly simplistic, since such...
Fundacao Oriente, Lisbon, Portugal
Indian puppetry, talks about god, shadow and puppetry. Quote from the curator, ” The shadows display a species of duality to our own...
Imaginary Animals
Our word "animal" comes from the Latin anima, which can mean either 'breath', 'soul' or 'butterfly'. All three of these meanings, which...
Celts and Identity exhibition
In this exhibition, we are introduced to showing how the Celts was first recorded around 500BC by the ancient Greeks, who used to...
Forgot about Jim Henson creature shop. I haven't check it out for so long. Documentary of the behind the scenes of the labyrinth. It's...
Paper heads
Need to experiment on doing the paper head with this 3d scanning software to Peperkraft software. As it seems trying to draw in...
Visuality in the Theatre: The Locus of Looking
photography has its function in warding off death, postponing it. photography can make present the dead while at the same time...