reviews on neurology and god
On the article of neurology and god, a consistent questioning on my part, "why do we care whether or not God exists? And why do so many...
Interesting concept on linking up the world of wrestling with myths. Barthes compared wrestler with boxing, where one can bet the outcome...
Liveness- Performance in a mediated culture
On the subject between Theatre and media, Auslander debated about whether they are rivals or partners. Despite much frowned on the idea...
The Divided Brain
In the video, Iain McGilchrist, a psychologist, talked about the human's divided brain. An interesting perspective on how humans have...
In theatre, the relationship between the audience and the actor is separated by the stage, and both parties are willing to perform their...
Neurology and God
For reference of my final piece. On the subject on neurology – found on the web.
Liveness- performance in a mediatised culture
The irony that whereas television initially sought to replicate and, implicitly, to replace live theatre, live perforance itself has...
Performance: A critical introduction
Spackman’s distinction between more complex, technologically innovative” performance art of the 1990s is overly simplistic, since such...
Imaginary Animals
Our word "animal" comes from the Latin anima, which can mean either 'breath', 'soul' or 'butterfly'. All three of these meanings, which...
Analyzing Performance: Theatre, Dance and Film
-Internal Space is the representation of a fantasy, a dream of waking dream evoked by the mise-en-scene, stage becomes a derealised space...